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About this site . . .


About 6 months before constructing this website, I was introduced by my son to one of economist Richard Wolff's monthly videos.  Before that, like most others, I was blissfully unaware of economics.  It didn't touch my life, nor have any effect on my happiness.  Or so I thought.


I came away from that first video . . .  what?  Outraged?  Incredulous?  Fearful?  I guess all of those.  So down the rabbit hole I went, binge watching videos about economics, peak oil, species extinction, you name it.  Then I went really overboard and read every apocalyptic novel I could get for free on my reader (including John Wesley Rawles series - fun to read, but not very realistic).


Anyway, after a couple of months I got back to balance, had time to think, and came to several conclusions.  One is that I'm pretty sure most people are unaware of how bad things really are, and how many things are really going down the tubes in a hurry all around us.


Another is that, yes, you can find all this information all over the internet.  You can find experts on just about every problem.  But each of them is specialized.  I never found a comprehensive website that brought them all together and distilled the problems down, made them easier to understand.  That is my intention here.


Additionally, as a Christian minister for 30 years, knowing that the Bible promises "the meek shall inherit the earth," I am curious about what a perfect world will be like.  Along with that curiosity I'm determined to take my son's advice to see what good things are going on in the world now, how folks are dealing with the problems, and any positive results that are being presented. 


He and I do come at that from different perspectives, though:  I believe we cannot save ourselves, only God can.  So I have three reasons to take a look at methods people are using to make things better:


1.  Surely the methods people are using now will be useful when God's Kingdom is a reality here on earth; they are part of being good stewards.  And we'll have a LOT of cleaning up to do!


2.  If we are living like good Kingdom citizens now, is that not one way to show God that we appreciate what we've been given?


3.  Jesus said that during the "Last Days" there will be 'great tribulation such as has not occurred since the world’s beginning until now, no, nor will occur again.'  I figure the better I am at taking care of myself, the more useful I can be to my brothers and sisters when times get really trying.


So, here we get to my purpose in creating Eleventh Hour:


1.  By my Home Page statement, "I have found the answer," I meant that it's become apparent to me that there's not just a few, but literally dozens of huge problems that seem truly unsolveable.  I have tried to present them here in a comprehensive yet fairly simple manner so that others may better see the big picture of what's going on in the world now.


2.  I'm interested in conversing about what a perfect world will be like.  The world prophesied the Bible, as in "the meek shall inherit the earth."


3.  My hope is that this can become a resource for education, enlightenment and hope.  We are awaiting a better world, but for the time being the one we're living in is only going to get more difficult and challenging.  No harm in knowing how to better take care of ourselves and others, right?  And when that new world comes, won't it be of benefit to our fellow survivors if we have valuable skill sets that work for the good of our communities?




I will be building this site a little at a time, as I come across information pertinent to the categories on the Home page, to create a repository of useful reference material.  At the same time, I'll be writing blog posts about whatever I come across as time goes on.


Even if you don't agree with my religious views, I hope you can use this site as a resource in building your own future!


Nuts & Bolts:

Comments, where enabled, will be moderated by me.  No haters or spammers allowed here :)


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