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Most people are allowing themselves to be mislead and propagandized, cheated, deluded and outright lied to, creating complancency and mindless consumerism.  From birth to death.  In small ways and large.

It would be a challenge to find a single industry, service institution or government that isn't seriously affected by corruption, which imposes a huge annual cost burden, mostly on those who can least afford it.

Corporations as citizens.  Unending surveillance.  An ingrained infinite growth paradigm.  Bailouts of big banks while millions suffer through foreclosure. A ponzi scheme money system.  Cities going bankrupt.  Crushing student loan debt.  An economy where 'part-time is the new full-time' and most are trapped in a fuel-thirsty work cycle.




Unfortunately, money makes the world go 'round.  And the financial systems of the world are incredibly complicated and vulnerable.  As I see it, the trouble comes down to just three ingredients:


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